Curado en cinta transportadora

Soluciones de curado UV


American Ultraviolet West Inc. (División LESCO, Paramount, CA) está buscando activamente nuevos representantes y distribuidores en todo el país para vender nuestras líneas de curado de punto UV, cámaras y cintas transportadoras. Si está interesado, complete y envíe este FORMULARIO DE CONSULTA para su consideración.
Conveyor Curing Solutions

Retrofit "add-on" Air-Cooled Conveyor Systems

Adding ultraviolet curing to existing gas, electric or infrared conveyors is easy with American Ultraviolet irradiators, lamps and power supplies. Custom-designed exhaust/ vacuum systems install below the belt, while the curing system installs on top.

The retrofit kit includes a labeled, digital, encased power supply; a focused, air-cooled lamp assembly; optical shielding; and an optional vacuum/exhaust hold-down with blower – everything you need to convert an existing dryer to air-cooled UV in order to cure UV inks, coatings and adhesives.

Standard Features

  • Extruded aluminum, elliptically
    focused reflector
  • Replaceable polished aluminum
    reflector liners
  • Completely wired power supply with lamp intensity controls
  • Tri-power lamp switching (300, 200, 125W/inch)
  • Custom air seals to prevent lamp overcooling

To learn more about the Retrofit Curing System, including technical specifications, please visit our technical library where you can download and print literature.

Retrofit add-on Air-Cooled Conveyor Systems